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The Meaning Movement: Rediscover your Passion, Avoid Burnout, and Do Work You Love.

Oct 29, 2019

Brant Pinvidic pitched ideas for a living. As a highly successful TV and film producer, his projects were born and died via his ability to communicate the concept simply, quickly, and effectively.

Over time he discovered a simple format that all strong pitches shared. We got to dig into his 3 Minute Pitch format,...

Oct 15, 2019

Dara Paoletti noticed a pattern in her life. She would get into a job, lose herself in it for a few years, and then discover that she was significantly burnt out. She felt empty and spent. She uses the phrase, "work zombie" to describe it.

After going through this a few time, she knew she needed to find another way....

Oct 1, 2019

What does intuition have to do with your career success?  Quite a bit, it turns out.

Rick Snyder is a business coach and author, among other things.  He and his team are working on helping individuals and businesses listen to their intuition— and find success.

I had the chance to speak with Rick about his work, his...