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The Meaning Movement: Rediscover your Passion, Avoid Burnout, and Do Work You Love.

Nov 27, 2019

I've been following Buster Benson for years. His journaling platform,, has been a part of my writing process since the inception of the Meaning Movement.

Something that's always spoken to me about Buster's work is first, how he works to create tools to help people improve, and second, how he's always...

Nov 12, 2019

AY Musik is a musician, sustainability activist, and budding social entrepreneur. He set an audacious the goal of performing live every single day, which created a problem: how can he power amps, mics, and instruments anywhere in the world so he could achieve this goal?

That question lead him on a deep dive into...

Oct 29, 2019

Brant Pinvidic pitched ideas for a living. As a highly successful TV and film producer, his projects were born and died via his ability to communicate the concept simply, quickly, and effectively.

Over time he discovered a simple format that all strong pitches shared. We got to dig into his 3 Minute Pitch format,...

Oct 15, 2019

Dara Paoletti noticed a pattern in her life. She would get into a job, lose herself in it for a few years, and then discover that she was significantly burnt out. She felt empty and spent. She uses the phrase, "work zombie" to describe it.

After going through this a few time, she knew she needed to find another way....

Oct 1, 2019

What does intuition have to do with your career success?  Quite a bit, it turns out.

Rick Snyder is a business coach and author, among other things.  He and his team are working on helping individuals and businesses listen to their intuition— and find success.

I had the chance to speak with Rick about his work, his...